Snip Bits

Welcome to my very first addition of Hair with Heart’s, ‘Snip Bit’s’.

Each week, in ‘Snip Bit’s’ I will post useful Tips, Hint’s and Information privy to Hair and Beauty Industry Masters. I will share, glues to choosing a great Hairdresser and Beauty Therapist and the signs to recognising an unconfident or under skilled one long before you find yourself shaking in the chair with your ‘qualified’ Stylist wielding their razor sharp 6 inch weapon of destruction at your head. You will feel more at ease during the consultation and quoting process, the first step in your service journey, and learn to understand why Master Stylist’s always take the time it takes to probe for the information in open ended questions which are vitally necessary in order to ‘Map’ a pathway towards the desired result. I will explain my reasoning behind letting $$$$’s walk out the door rather than compromising a client’s hair in giving an unsuitable service.  I’II offer basic insights into the high level of skill and scientific knowledge, required for a Master Stylist & Colourist to perform their craft confidently and safely, which is very often underestimated by the public and why I chose to partner with NAK Hair, Australia as my hero company. Also, you will learn some useful styling, correct hot tool use and makeup tricks that you can try at home and much, much more. 

As you become accustomed to my writing style you’ll notice that at no time will I advocate or give step by step DYI instructions to cutting, colouring or any other chemical service at home.  As a Master Stylist and Beauty Therapist with over 30 years’ experience, I have worked far too long and hard, all at a considerable cost, to ever entertain damaging my much loved industry. Those,  you may find on You-Tube giving guidelines on how to cut your own Curtain Bangs or the like,  are mostly inexperienced in the industry, short-sighted and in my personal opinion, only chasing 5 minutes of fame. I have also, over the years, corrected or reversed many a DYI hairdressing disasters.  And I know firsthand the damage that can be done with over the counter products. The manufacturers usually describe the process as ‘easy’ and in many cases, ‘Semi Permanent’. The fact is that these products are usually made in ethically questionable countries and are simply designed to entice a sale. They are typically laced with inferior ingredients such as Heavy Metals, Petro-cide’s, Inexpensive Colour Pigments, Sulphates and Parabens, just to name a few.    

So… now that I have that off my chest, please feel free to like and share ‘Snip Bit’s’ with your friends and send me a comment if there is something you particularly want to know or would like me to include in the coming chapters. 

‘Snip-ette’ for the week; your hair frames your face, enhances your features and is the first thing that someone notices about you. Look after it and it will look after you! 

Bye for now, with Heartfelt thanks for reading.


Shampoos & Conditioners

Supermarket Brands Vs. Salon Brands - Explained In this month’s Snip Bits, I thought I would share some facts about Shampoos and Conditioners and what set them apart from being a quick grab supermarket purchase vs. a properly prescribed retail product that is more...

Chapter 1 – Mafa’s Amazing Hair

Mafa came to me some months back wanting to have a clean, super blonde balayage. As Mafa is of Islander descent, her hair is dense (many hair follicles per square centimetre) but each hair is fine, frizzy and very fragile. Added to this, she had had, two years...